Lectures/ Guided Tours

Talks and Online-Lectures (Zoom)


  • 10/02/2024: Jacqueline Dürmüller: Santa Corona or in the Beginning was the Goddess Assisi Institute, San Antonio, USA
  • 05/03/ 2024: Hansueli Etter: Psychology of Archaic Man, The Religious Concept of the Naskapi-Indians, C. G. Jung Institute, Seoul, Korea
  • 04/05/2024: Jacqueline Dürmüller: An African Tale, ARPA, Rome, Italy
  • 04/05/2024: Hansueli Etter: Creativity, Transgression, and Individuation, ARPA, Rome, Italy
  • 15/06/2024: Jacqueline Dürmüller: Turandot – Of the Longing to Recognize and Be Recognized,Assisi Conference, Assisi, Italy
  • 17/06/2024: Hansueli Etter: The Reality of the Psyche securing Survival, The Religious Concept of the Naskapi-Indians, Assisi Conference, Assisi, Italy
  • 04/08/2024: Hansueli Etter: A dream, Memories and Reflections about Marie-Louise von Franz, for a group from the C. G. Jung Institute, Seoul, Korea 
  • 04/08/2024: Jacqueline Dürmüller: Marie-Louise von Franz: Healer and Spiritual Guide, for a group from the C. G. Jung Institute, Seoul, Korea
  • 06/08/2024: Hansueli Etter: The Legend of Felix and Regula, A guided tour in the Old Town of Zürich, for a group from the C. G. Jung Institute, Seoul, Korea
  • 21/09/2024: Hansueli Etter: A Creation-Myth of the Kua in the Kalahari, Assisi Institute, San Antonio, USA
  • 19/11/2024: Hansueli Etter, Spirituality and reality in so-called primitive societies, Memories and Reflections on the Kua of the Kalahari, C. G. Jung Institute, Seoul, Korea


  • 10/03/2023: Jacqueline Dürmüller: An African Tale, Assisi Institute, San Antonio, USA 
  • 17/05/2023: Hansueli Etter: Zur Geschichte der Traumdeutung,  im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung zum Thema: Der Mensch in Gesellschaft, Kultur und Geschichte, Ort: Borromäum, Byfangweg 6, Basel
  • 16/9/2023: Hansueli Etter: Archetypal Themes in Biblical Dreams and Legends, Assisi Institute, San Antonio, USA


  • 14/5/2022: Jacqueline Dürmüller, Marie-Louise von Franz (1915 - 1998): Healer and Spiritual Guide, Assisi Institute, San Antonio, USA. 
  • 28/7/2022: Jacqueline Dürmüller: My Grandfather Johann Joseph Dürmüller: «To Have Soul is the Whole Venture of Life», Assisi Institute, San Antonio, USA 
  • 31/7/2022: Hansueli Etter: «My Soul - where are you?», Assisi Institute, San Antonio, USA. 
  • 3/9/2022: Hansueli Etter: Träume und Gedanken zur Zeitsituation, Lindenbergseminar, Küsnacht. 
  • 10/9/2022: Hansueli Etter, An Archetypal Understanding of Sacred Texts: A Look at the Gospels: The legends of all Legends for Christianity, Assisi Institute, San Antonio, USA. 
  • 15/10/2022: Jacqueline Dürmüller, Santa Corona oder am Anfang war die Göttin, Lindenbergseminar, Küsnacht. 
  • 2/11/2022: Hansueli Etter, Archetypes, Grassroot Seminar, C. G. Jung Club, London. 
  • 24/11/2022: Hansueli Etter, Introduction to the Interpretation of Legends, ISAP,  Zürich. 


  • 21/1/2021: Hansueli Etter: Mista'peo: the Great Inner Man of the Naskapi Indians C. G. Jung Club, London.

  • Keynote speaker Hansueli Etter: My Soul – where are you? 23/3/2021 and 31/3/2021: Discussions. Centre for Depth Psychology, Zürich.

  • 24/4/2021: Hansueli Etter: A dream, Memories and Stories about Marie-Louise von Franz. Assisi Institute, San Antonio, US.

  • 20/5/2021: Jacqueline Dürmüller: “Why are we so aggressive”? The Center for Jungian Psychology in Korea, Seoul.

  • 27/5/2021: Jacqueline Dürmüller: Marie-Louise von Franz:Healer and Spiritual. Guide. The Center for Jungian Psychology in Korea, Seoul.

  • 29/5/2021: Hansueli Etter: Ein Traum, Gedanken und Erinnerungen an Marie-Louise von Franz, Espaço Arte-Ciencia, Porto Alegre (mit portugiesischer Simultanübersetzung).

  • 3/7/2021: Jacqueline Dürmüller: Marie-Louise von Franz:Healer and Spiritual. Guide. Espaço Arte-Ciencia, Porto Alegre (mit portugiesischer Simultanübersetzung).

  • 6/6/2021: Hansueli Etter: Is the COVID-19 pandemic an opus cum naturam?(Dreams and reflexions about the current crisis). Korean Society for Analytical Psychology, Seoul.

  • 28/8/2021: Hansueli Etter: My Soul – where are you? C. G. Jung Club of Orange County, California, US.

  • 29/10/2021: Keynote speaker Hansueli Etter: Recovery, Reconstruction and Coexistence with Disasters. During the Disaster.The Korean Counseling Psychology Association, Seoul, Korea.

  • 13/11/2021: Hansueli Etter: Introduction into the Interpretation of Legends, Assisi Institute, San Antonio, US.

  • 20/11/2021: Hansueli Etter: A Dream, Memories and Reflections about Marie-Louise von Franz. C. G. Jung Institute, Los Angeles, US.

  • 27/11/2021: Hansueli Etter: Comments of the Unconscious about the ongoing Covid-19 Crisis. Korean Association for Music & Imagery, Seoul, Korea.

    Some of the lectures were recorded. The records are on loan. Inquiries are accepted under the following e-mail address: pascal.stolz(at)jungiana.ch